TTC 2nd baby - how easily?

My reality is I have very predictable cycle. I know af's coming when I get suspiciously irritable and gain about 2 or 3 kgs of fluid. Look in my calendar and see l'm day 26! Day 28 I get my period and know how that's going to go in terms of duration and heaviness. After 7 days I have a week leading up to ovulation and I notice the cm clearly becoming like an egg white. Day 12 to 14 very high sex drive! And since 1st baby I can also tell now which side I ovulate from due to this clear stabbing pain lasting abt 2 days. Then things calm down, cm changes to watery/creamy/none and day 28 af comes again. So predictable it's almost boring. Never used opk's or chased bt and conceived the very month we decided to try for a baby just by watching cm. Took away the surprise factor big time! And now we talk about 2nd child and I wonder is it the same? I mean so quick? I had c section and need to wait a number on months to allow the scar to heal well so can't fall pregnant right away. But oh already has his age and we know we shouldn't take ages to make a move. What's your experience conceiving your 2nd?