a new tattoo was my way of coping

My husband and I had been trying for 8 months. finally got our BFP on May 10th. we were so happy! then on May 17th just a week later i started bleeding. I had not yet went to a dr appointment but i called where i set it up at and it took 2 days for anyone to contact me back about my heavy bleeding and large clots. i already knew what had happened but the lack of education from the dr office was surprising. no i'm sorry, no how can we help, just a "if u bleed for more than 2 weeks go to the er." it crushed my soul and i was hysterical for 4 days. every day got a little better with the help of the few friends and family that knew. I still cry sometimes but i guess new ink was my way of coping and a little reminder that even tho i only got to see my first baby was 2 pink lines, they will forever be in my heart ❤️