Do what you gotta do, and make your own decisions


My son will be 5 months old on June 27th, and I can honestly say that so far I have had the best time being his mom. Yes, it's hard. There's always some new problem to solve, and it's been like this from the get go. My milk supply was really low for the longest time, I was sleep deprived because he refused to sleep in his bassinet or crib, he wouldn't fall asleep until 3 am which left us crabby in the mornings, and now we've reached teething. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I have witnessed our family of three grow so much as a unit, as well as individuals, in such a small amount of time, and every new milestone makes the hard times worth it. So I just wanted to say to you mama's and papa's, that it gets easier!

I know it can get overwhelming, but you can do this! Just listen to your instincts and embrace your parenthood, because no one knows your situation better than you do, and no one can tell you how to raise your child. At the end of the day, you're the one making the decisions and it's okay to do things your own way! As long as your baby is healthy and happy, I think that you're doing a wonderful job!

I tried to listen to what everyone else said, and perfect our routine. I would do something a certain way just because an experienced mom or my baby books told me so. I tried to swaddle, stop him from looking at the TV, have him in bed by 7, and have specific nap times. Hell, I tried to put a 1 month old on a feeding schedule! But I'm going to tell you right now, that it doesn't always work. You and your child are humans, and one of the best things about our species is that we are all different! Yeah your sister may have had her kid rolling over at 3-4 months. Sure, your cousins kid already sleeps 8 hour nights! That is effing AWESOME! But that doesn't mean that yours has to be too.

Parenthood is short. Infant years even more so. Dont spend it trying to perfect every itty bitty detail. Because your little one is already as perfect as can be...

WE think that you're AWESOME too!