Calling the 5-0

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

I live in an apartment complex. There's a man that lives in the building across the parking lot from our building, we'll call him Chris.

Anyway, the other night around 11pm, we hear loud banging on my neighbor's door. I was about to open my door and tell them to knock it off, when I hear them say it's the police.

I message my neighbor to make sure she's ok (she has a 3 month old and an abusive ex). After they leave, she says she had gotten a noise complaint. I was like ok...that's weird because I couldn't hear anything from her apartment. She tells me that her, her baby, and her friend had all been sleeping.

The next day, I asked her neighbor under her, we'll call him Sam, if he had called. He was surprised, because he thought it was me.

So back to the man across the parking lot. Sam catches Chris outside and starts a casual conversation and ends up asking him if he called the cops. He says he did because someone parked in his spot and he thought it was her friend who was parked there. So he called in a noise complaint in order to get the cops to hopefully get the friend to leave.

I just feel like this is such a waste of law enforcement's time, especially since there is not specific parking for each person. And he's done this before to people also, as well as turned their tags in. What do you think in this type of situation?