TTC for 4 months after a miscarriage

So where to start. I have a beautiful healthy little 6 year old monster who I love but from a previous relationship. I was on contraception with the IUD and as much as I would love to have a baby, my partner was just not ready and I accepted that until that horrible night. I've never experienced anything like it, blood clots the size my hand. After hours of pain I was taken to hospital for tests to eventually be told I may be pregnant. The sobering reality hit me hard, I felt guilty. Multiple reasons I took an out of date test a month before that night and it was positive but thought it was a fake positive, if only I check again and had my coil removed there and then maybe it could have saved our baby. I still feel that guilt, as much as my wonderful partner tells me not to feel guilty I do. So we both decided we are ready, we will try again so we are trying and trying... but nothing. Now I feel I have missed my chance. I've joined slimming world to shift some weight to help. I'm finding it hard right now