Babies at vet offices

I had to take my cat to the vet today for his vaccinations. Because my boyfriend was working, I had to go and take my 6 month old daughter with me. She was content in her car seat but then she got hungry so I was feeding her while we were waiting. Well a couple with a large dog came in and they were sitting across the room from me. The room is small so we were pretty close. The dog started growling at my baby and kept trying to run towards us. The owners were trying pretty hard to keep their dog under control and weren't doing all that great. They let go of the leash at least three times and I was ready to get up and run. They had to like flip the dog over on his side. I asked them if I should go somewhere else or something because I really didn't want this dog attacking my baby like it obviously wanted to do. They got upset and told me if I needed to bring my animal to the vet, I should leave the baby at home. I was really pissed off that they said this. I just moved here and haven't had time to even settle in completely. I don't live close enough to family so I don't have a babysitter. I had no choice. Now that I have calmed down a bit, I can kind of see where they are coming from. Its likely difficult to manage a dog when around things and people they are not used to. And we were in an environment that wasn't really avoidable to them. They were rightfully taking their dog to the vet so I'm torn. I would have had to bring my baby or just not come. Any thoughts?

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