relationship dilemma

Hi so I have a bit of a dilemma. I met this guys at an mentorship program earlier in January and I had a big ass crush on him. I thought it would go a way but it did not. Fast forward to May and it's the end of the program and I end up telling him I like him. And he tells me about how he doesn't know and that he'd like to take it slow after his past relationship. I understand this so we just talk and text but the thing is we've gone to the movies I've been to his house met his parents and he's always been like super flirty(trying to buy me gifts,asking me my kinks and like talking about cuddling and things like that). Now recently though he told me he just wants to be friends and still text and hangout like we always have. I at first broke it off but I missed him so much I texted back and told him I'd be fine with that. I have no clue what to do especially because I never liked anyone like I've like him. I honestly hate feelings and I try to stay a way from it as much as possible. I've Never so much as had a boyfriend or anything. What do you guys think?