Whats your age that you're preventing pregnancy?

I'm 25, and I don't think to have kids anytime soon. I liked the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> app at first because it felt a group women who are preventing to get pregnant and worry about their lives making goals. BUT, there's these women who keep posting a lot of pregnancy test trying to get pregnant and then other women feeding them off with joy and congratulating them. Which is good and I'm happy for them. However that's not the type of women I'm looking for. I want to hear women around my age that worry on other stuff like traveling, school, work, hobbies and possibly a boyfriend who encourages you and shred the same mentality. Basically, to have fun.
Comment down below what age you're thinking on settling down.

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