Baker acted - should I allow them to watch my baby?

So my MIL has been dealing with depression for quite some time. She recently moved in with us to help with the baby. The first few weeks She showed behaviour that to ME does not assure me that she is responsible enough to watch a baby. Mainly drinking during the day and going home with a man from a bar (i can't imagine she knows who he is since she just moved here) anyways, I addressed the issues I had which I feel pushed her into a tough spot because to her and her son (my SO) it's normal and I shouldn't be concerned. Here we are months later and she has a mental breakdown yesterday which results in me taking her to the hospital. She told me she felt angry, hate, and out of her right mind. She recently stopped taking antidepressants that she's been in for 6 years because she decided to approach her very serious health issues naturally and with no professional guidance. I have had anxiety issues for years and regularly go to counselling to better myself. She has refused counselling and any medical intervention. Now it is day 2 in the behavioural facility because she was baker acted yesterday. I've told my SO she is not to watch the baby unsupervised and he is arguing that his mother is fine and she's just sleep deprived. Her room is next to my daughter's, so at this point I just want to put an alarm on the door & upgrade my security system. Has anyone has experience with MIL being baker acted ? Her son seems to think it's not a big deal.