
Has anyone gotten a divorce? I need some advice. My husband is a cheater and is abusive. We have to be separated for 12-18 months before we can get a divorce. Should I stop talking to him till then? Or should I just be cordial with him? I don't know how to go about things right now. None of my friends are married or have been divorced so they think cutting all ties with him is easy. He's still paying for things like my phone and my treatment. Should I just get a new phone even though this isn't paid off yet? My dad said he'll get me a new phone so I wouldn't have to talk to my husband. I don't know how to go about with the treatment financials either. He said if I cut him off as in I stop talking to him and he has no way to talk to me, he threatened cut off everything for me and that he'll come to my parent's house and find me. He said if I don't want him in my life then he'll do everything it takes to be in it. The only thing I'm concerned for is the treatment which he never let me get a job so I don't have a lot of money. Please don't judge me :( I wanted our marriage to work but he was the one who wants this divorce. If I didn't need the treatment, it would've been easier to just stop talking to him. If I had my own money and a job, I would've paid for it myself. I'm not a materialistic person, I swear! I'm really stuck and this is stressing me out more than it should. I really did want our marriage to be saved but he doesn't. I mean, I still do but from the looks of it, it's not happening.
Edit: Because changing a phone number will still show on the account and he'll know it right away just by looking at it. I have yet asked my parents about paying for the treatment. 
Yes, I learned my lesson. I don't want to depend on a guy anymore especially someone who cheated and started abusing me after. I'll try my best to find a job.