This is long. My husband and I are TTC baby #2 (for 3 months now). It took 1 year with baby #1 to conceive. I have very irregular periods, 61 day cycle. My period usually lasts for 6-7 days. Or sometimes on 3 or 4 days. My first day of my last period was Feb. 12 and lasted until Feb. 18. On March 8th, I had what I believed to be implantation bleeding. I had pinkish mucous when I wiped just once. Since then, I've had cramping like my period, but my period won't start again until around April 14th. I've been nauseous, car sick (I never get car sick), sensitive to smells, and today started with metallic taste in my mouth. 3 HPT showed negative within the past week. Went to the doctor and blood work was also negative. With my first child, blood work didn't show up positive until 5 weeks along. I had a blood test at 4 weeks and it showed negative. A week later, it showed positive and I was 5 weeks along. And I had kidney stones 2 times while pregnant and again one month after pregnancy. That's the only times I've ever had kidney stones in my life...Until now, more than 3 years later. I just passed a kidney stone this week. Anyone else think this all points to pregnancy? Maybe still too early to show positive? I need input cause I'm really becoming discouraged.