what to do?

Hi ladies!
So long story short, my last period was May 8th and I would have gotten pregnant may 22 - 28, I got a positive on June 6th and 2 more on the 10th. I've had morning sicknesss and tender breast, fatigue, ect. So according to my last period I should be 6 weeks 5 days. I went the the ED last night for horrible groin pain and pressure. Come to find out I have an ovarian cyst and they seen the baby but it's measuring 5 weeks 2 days, my hcg was 2900. So they want me to call my OB on Monday to get a repeat hcg to see if my numbers double. Should I be concerned with the size of my baby is measuring since the numbers aren't adding up? I'm just very worried and don't know what to think. They said it has no heart beat, fetal
Pole, or yolk sac yet because it's so early... but I should be further. Has this happened to anyone ?