could side breast pain be pregnancy? also, extra gaggy?

Hey guys. 
My period is about 2 weeks late. All tests negative so far, last one was Wednesday, trying to wait until next Wednesday to check again. 
I felt like I was DEFINITELY getting AF when it was due, but nothing. Bloating, cramping, backache (which was new). Still nothing. My cycles are irregular though and range from 28-46days over the last 2 years. 
Now I have myself convinced my boobs are sore, but they're really only sore when I lay on them or apply pressure, EXCEPT for random shooting type pains along the sides of them which are happening more and more frequently. Is this type of pain common in pregnancy? Is there still hope?? We've been trying so long I'm worried I'm just tricking myself.
ALSO, my gag reflex seems more sensitive lately. Any of you ladies experiencing that?