How many of you are on Medicaid or love someone who is on Medicaid?

Donald Trump promised his voters that he wouldn't touch Medicaid. The new senate bill to replace the affordable care act slashes federal funding for Medicaid, putting the burden on the shoulders of the states to find funding to care for our country's most vulnerable. 
My parents are in a nursing home paid for with a Medicaid waiver because their combined $3,000 a month social security isn't enough to pay out of pocket for the services they require. My father is dying of cancer. My mother is in renal failure. My father will surely lose his waiver because he only qualified because of the Affordable Care Act's expansion program. 
Why didn't they save for their retirement, you ask? Oh. They did. They invested their money into their home, which they lost due to unscrupulous banks. (Trump just reduced Dodd Frank regulations which were put in place to prevent another housing crisis that causes millions to lose their homes and causes the biggest recession since the Great Depression. Trump also once boasted that he was rooting for the housing collapse because he would make a lot of money on it... just saying....)
They invested in a 401k that they lost during the collapse of 2008. 
After the banks destroyed their lives, their only lifeline was their social security and Medicare and whatever help my brother and I could give them. When they became too ill to care for themselves, Medicaid became their life line. 
It sickens me to think that the most vulnerable people in our society will be most affected by this. You can tell a lot about a society by how they treat their elderly. What does this bill say about us, as Americans?

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