Step Father Wedding cut

So I just saw this video on Facebook (some of you may have seen it before) and it goes like this
A woman is getting married and her stepfather is happily paying for it (I think it was around $40k )
(Please note, the stepfather has paid for her education and her car among other things) 
Her real father is pretty much a deadbeat dad though, in and out of her life, makes promises he doesn't  keep and just a cliche dead beat, but she still falls all over him every time he comes back 
Now the stepfather has no problem with this he understands 
Back to the wedding 
He has paid for all of it and the venue holds 250 people, he gave a list of some people he wanted invited to the wedding (people who are very dear to him) and soon discovered that they were not invited after being promised that they would be and after he told them that they would be (because he was under the impression that they were invited) 
Then, at a dinner with a few family members are friends (and the real dad) the step daughter announced that her real dad was attending the wedding so he would be able to walk her down the isle 
The stepfather was so upset he didn't know if he would cry or punch something or both 
He then got up and made his own toast and stated that basically he owed gratitude to the bride and groom because they showed him his place in this family as an ATM, that he felt no respect at all and that considering the real dad was attending he would be passing all of his financial duties onto him, he then proceeded to leave his girlfriend and the family, he drained their joint bank account (she had not worked a day since moving into his house) and got back all of the deposits he had placed on things for the wedding (except a $1500 deposit on the venue) 
I saw some pretty different answers on Facebook when I read the comments and I wanted to see what everyone here thought
Here is the link for anyone who wants to watch the video (I'm sure I have missed a few details but that's the gist of it) 

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