Confused but hopeful

I have been married to my husband for almost 11 months. And we have been trying to concieve. I have 3 children from previous relationships and their dads want nothing to do with them, and my husband now loves my kids as his own and im greatful for that. But back in 2010 my ex husband talked me into getting my tubes tied and i did because i thought it was best i guess. But i jave been taking an herbal vitamin and doing the fertility massages and for the last week i have been nauseous every day different times through out the day, husband is craving alot of pickles, pickle juice, tomatoes covered in salt, watetmelon and frozen pickle juice. He has been craving all of this for the last 2 weeks. But anyways. I am confused if i am pregnant with a tubal or if god has gone through and granted my wish for his healing hand..what do you think it could be. I also spotted every time i went to the restroom on monday the 19th day after my ovulation day.. Please help me and pray god helps me and guides me in his right direction.