how to deal with depression at 34 weeks pregnant?

Recently my fiancé I've been engaged to 3 years and known for 6 years broke up with me due to me being "distance" found out at my baby shower he already moved on with someone he would always try to change me into (blonde hair who loves the gym) i was never the one to workout he knew that I was skinny before my pregnancy with a nice body! In this whole pregnancy I've felt alone, tired and sad to say depressed because it didn't go according to plan he said I deserve happiness but my happiness was being with him! Now I'm alone while he's in bed with this other girl of his life sucks but all I know is that my baby boy is going to be born soon and that's all that matters! 
Just hurts with all the past things both of us have been through having our rainbow baby alone while he's with someone else! 