Seriously Husband seriously?????

Tiffany • C 2001, K 2003, M 2005, M 2016, L 2017.
Baby went to bed at 915 tonight which is a half hour early. Great I think I can work on some homework for this horrendous chemistry class I am having a wicked hard time with. So I get out my computer and plug it in and go to the bathroom. I come out and he is on the PlayStation ok whatever. It is completely obvious that I have every intention on working on my class as that is the ONLY thing I use my computer for. What does he decide to play oh grand theft auto. So he is driving around being chased by cops and shooting people. You know what fine. Ughhhhh!!!!!! So I text my MIL and tell her if she wants our daughter tomorrow she can come get her since she told my husband she would come get her after finding out I had a horrendously stressful day today. Good okay I can work on homework then. So I tell him and he Huff's and puffs at me. Dude if it is a big deal why did you tell me she said she would take the baby. I am 16+3 weeks pregnant, spent hours in a state trooper barracks with one of my teenagers today AND I have been sick since WEDNESDAY do you REALLY REALLY want to huff and puff at me because I need some god damn down time. It's not like I am going anyplace he will have my fucking car as his is in the shop til tomorrow!!! Sorry ladies I am just beyond annoyed with this man today.