Issue. Please help.

Okay so there is this guy. Dont get me wrong he's a sweet person, we talked for about two months as friends and then we started going on dates here and there for about another month and we still are not official BUT we basically know we will be official very soon because we both like each other a lot as people. He buys me food, clothes he basically spoils me. But I have a problem with the girls he follows and the photos he likes on instagram. I am an insecure person, and he knows that, these aren't just regular photos of a pretty girl, it's girls that look nothing like me... im skinny.... they're thick and have so much more than I do.... I feel like he doesn't get that it hurts me to see im completely different than the stuff he is interested. Should I be worried? Or should i just let this go.... I honestly dont think talking to him about it will even do anything but make me look like a bad bitchy person....