urgh sleep regression

Ok so my daughter has been fairly difficult.. suffering reflux, colic and milk allergy... the only thing helping me cope was the 8 hour stretches she slept... she turned 4 months old on Saturday... now she doesn't want to sleep at all. Went to bed at 10:30 last night.. woke at 1:30 thrashing around. Started to cry at 2;30 so fed her and she drank 5oz before falling asleep.... I have to keep her upright for an hour or so due to the reflux. So I put her back to bed at 3:30. But she instantly woke and started thrashing around. It's now 5am and we're both still up. Please say this won't last long and I'll get my sleeper back 😢 no idea how I'm going to cope if she screams like usual today after a couple of hours sleep 😢