34+1 Thoughts and Fears

This is my 3rd baby so you'd think I'd be all calm and cool about everything. NO! Lmao Last time I did this was 6 years ago! At home! Things I'm thinking:
1. OMG this is taking forever! Shit! Why is every day soooo long?!
2. I don't want to do labor though. Oh god. I have to do labor again. 😬
3. What if this baby just WALKS out of there? What if I have a 1 hour labor and don't make it to the hospital on time?!
4. What if my husband isn't home to drive me when I go into labor and I end up driving myself and my youngest kid and then we have to stop and have the baby on the side of the road?!
5. What if I miss my epidural window?! I want that damn epidural this time!
6. Ughh why can't I sleep for the next 6-7 weeks so this can be over with?!
7. Im dreading fighting with my doctor about not being induced, no episiotomy, delayed cord clamping, whisking my baby away right away, not giving the baby a hep b shot, not having my uterus beat to hell by the nurses (fundal massage), not being bothered by nurses every hour and lactation consultant, not staying in the hospital 2 damn days. Sigh. 
8. I should just stay home and have the baby on the floor by myself. 
I know I can't be the only one worrying WAY too much and feeling like this will never end... Right?