He's just a baby he won't remember 😡

Mini rant here. 
My son just turned 1 in April. Well we were visiting a friend who still lives with his parents (we are still in our early 20's) and my friend says I have a little baby pool let's fill it up, since it was 90 degrees and super sunny, for him to play in. So he goes to turn on the hose and there is no water. So he calls his parents to turn on the water and his dad says to him "no, he's just a baby it's not like he will remember this anyway" and our friend was arguing with him saying it's just a small pool and he will turn it off right after and his dad still said no and told us to "go home and play in our pool if we wanted to so bad." (Now it's important to point our i overheard this argument between my friend and his father, not really eavesdropping because they were screaming but non the less) and I was just so upset about it. My husband and I have our own place where we pay for water snd I couldn't even use that to justify his rudeness. How would everyone else feel?Â