Not sure what I want with him

My boyfriend and I lately have been arguing a lot. It's actually been going on for like a week now. He says he's the man of the house he makes the decisions. He always goes out but gets pissed when I do. Repeatedly has been saying im annoying, bitch too much, and cry too much. He's been distant and says it's my fault. At times im like fuck you dude and im aware im a bitch back but other times I kiss ass just for him to maybe let go of all the arguing. Nothing seems to work. He basically wants to just tell me what to do and if I act the way he wants then it'll stop. Sometimes I can bare it but then im like wtf im my own person and the things I wanna do aren't wrong. If I wanna go out with my bestfriend I should be allowed to. I don't cheat and I tell him exactly what we will be doing. I feel like he's isolating me and taking things away from me that make up who I am as a person. I love him so I don't want to end it but like how much can a girl take? 

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