Metformin Question

Hey ladies. A little background info on me: been married to my husband 7 years now and ttc 6 with no luck. I've had health issues I wanted to take care of first (over weight, thyroid problems, super stressed, and now type 2 diabetes) before I got serious about ttc. At my last appointment with my PCP he gave me metformin to take to help my blood sugar. I've read it can help women with pcos and other problems (I've never been diagnosed). My concern is that this is my first month taking the medication. Actually started it two days before my last cycle. This week according to glow I should be ovulation, but I swear i started my period again two days ago! I shouldn't have another for two more weeks. .. it just seems different. Not as deep red or thick? I dunno. Im calling my dr Monday, just wanted ideas from everyone else...