Well this morning, I got the biggest shock and happiest surprise of my life. Tested at 11-12 dpo with FMU (pic 1), thought nothing of it and certainly didn't expect much. But when I looked again, I couldn't believe my eyes. 2 pink lines...say what?! Bought a test at work and did it again twice (pic 2), 2 blue lines. After work I promptly bought 3 more brands of tests....ALL CAME UP POSITIVE (pic 3, including tests from AM). Honestly thought this day wouldnt ever come without some help, but here I am, 7 positive tests staring back at me...Hodkins lymphoma survivor, 2 yrs in remission. Thought my chances were shot after chemo, lol, guess not! Had been TTC for about 10 months. This cycle, I started taking Pregnitude. Convinced that's what did it this time!