How do you tell someone you don't like their expensive gift?

Taya • Mommy to Elliotte: 7/9/17 💕 And Killian 3/10/19 💙
So I'm 38 weeks and had my baby shower this past weekend. My grandma bought me a bassinet. It was exactly what I registered for: $60, great reviews (I over research everything), light and portable. I didn't want anything fancy since it won't be used for that long. But then my MIL went and bought the most expensive Halo bassinet because "she just wanted to." I'm grateful for it, but practically speaking, I'd really rather have the less expensive one. There is a ton of really important stuff leftover on our registry that the $250 (more like $300 because she bought tons of sheets) could have gone toward. I'm sure the Halo is great, but I'd rather have the car seat base, changing pad, diaper pail, etc. The thing is, she's sensitive and there's some tension with her right now, so my husband and I are afraid of upsetting her. What the heck do I do?