metformin (advice please!)


I've been taking metformin for about 2 yrs for pcos. no crazy weight loss, no big changes or side effects and also no pregnancy. I am honestly fed up of taking this medication and seeing no results I'm starting to think there has been no point in taking it. so after thinking decided to take life back and gain a control over everything again, to try things 100% naturally. Starting by eating cleaner, exercising more and thinking more positively.

after reading this rant, have any other woman experienced this ? it may sound stupid but I am only one I know who is going through this in my surroundings ( family , friends, etc.) so this app for me is absolutely awesome! to be able to speak and hear view points of other lovely woman going through the same thing .

so for any woman who've just stopped taking the medicine. what was your experience. having once taken and then stopped the metformin ?