34 weeks & in preterm labor

So, I went to my normal OB appointment Friday and they hooked me up for an NST because I just hadn't felt my boy move quite as frequently. Well, I was having frequent contractions so my OB sent me to the hospital to get a fetal fibronecten done & to check for dilation. We were hoping the FFN would be negative, but it was positive and I was 1 cm dilated. He decided to give me steroids and admit me to monitor my blood sugar levels since I have GD. He also started me on procardia which makes contractions less frequent. Sunday about midnight I started having contractions and at 6AM I was 80% thinned out. When they checked at 1AM I was only 1 cm dilated and not effaced at all... so 😳 I was moved to labor and delivery. They gave me shots, put me out almost all day with pain meds (trying to knock out the labor) and eventually had to give me
Magnesium... HAPPY to announce that we still have no baby 👏🏻 and I have been moved back to antepartum and am on pills every 6 hours to keep contractions away! Y'all pray it works!!! He does think we will have a baby within 10 days, but I'll be 36 weeks then.
UPDATE- Been in the hospital a week, finally going home on procardia until 36 weeks!