Less movement at 31 weeks from Baby A


Hi everyone, I'm currently 31+3 with b/g di/di twins. For the past few months, Baby A (boy) has been active all day every day while Baby B (girl) I usually felt moving just during the morning and evening when I would be resting. This changed within the last day or two, I've now noticed. All of a sudden I can feel her moving a LOT more than before, and he is suddenly quiet.

Granted, he has been head down this whole time and she breech, so I was feeling his kicks higher up and not hers. As of a week ago she started making her turn to head down, and I'm pretty sure she's now fully turned which probably has to do with her kicks feeling more prevalent than before.

But, I'm really worried about him all of a sudden. Has he maybe reached the point in his growth where he's running out of room to be so active? He has always been a few days ahead of her on the growth curve. Is that a myth though? Is it normal for him to suddenly be so much less active? I'm thinking he's nearing 4 lbs by now (about 3 weeks ago he was 2.75lbs at the ultrasound).

They have both been so healthy this entire pregnancy, it would seem abnormal for something to suddenly be so wrong at 31 weeks, so I'm trying not to panic. Hopefully I'll feel him move more soon, but any insight would be greatly appreciated.