Consistent Result After Mirena Removal

I got my Mirena inserted May 5th and got it removed June 14th (decided I didn't want hormonal bc, would rather leave it in God's hands and fingers crossed for a baby 💕). I was bleeding and spotting the whole 5.5 weeks it was in, so I'm not sure if I had my regular period on the 21st or not (it was definitely heavier at that time). After getting the Mirena removed on the 5th I had sex and then lightly bled bright red for 3 days. I started testing the day of the removal and it came up exactly the same as the pic below. It is consistently having 2 dark lines. Its 2 weeks later and I'm still checking my ovulation and each time I am getting this same result (picture below from today)! Could the IUD removal be messing up the results??