
My Due date was june 28th i really though i would have gone overdue but then when i less expected the contractions came really close together... 3min apart and i headed to the hospital. When i came on of the doctors checked me and told me i was barely 3 but in active labor... then my main dr came in and said no active labor no dilatation we are sending u home... we where happy that we alteady got accepted before all the family was waiting at the hopsital... then dr changed his mind when he check again and said that meybe he was wrong and i was in active labor he did my membran sweep to help things going fast... then put pitocin on cause contractions where there but the were not doing any kind of change so the party started.... o went from 3-5 whiting an hour then they checked me and i was in so much pain i asked for epidural... by the time the epidural got there i was8cm already... even though i put it on and it was like 5min after the epidural that i felt like i meeded to poop dr chceked again and i was 10cm the head was out and i had to pushhh i couldnt stopped it .. so epidural dis not work at all i felt everything everysingle pain i had to feel... but everything was worth it..i only cpuld see my daughter for like 5 min cause i passed out during exaustation and i was throwing up all night.. but todqy they are gonna bring her by 8:30 so i am super exited