Was I raped?

When I was 14, I was dating this boy. Everything started out fine, but it quickly took a turn. He was 17 at the time and had been with many girls, but I was absolutely innocent. I had kissed one boy before but it was a peck, very childish. Anyway, as the relationship progressed he started to pressure me into sexual acts. I'd repeatedly tell him no, but he'd push until I eventually caved because he scared me. Most of the time, I would technically allow it because he was threatening. The day I turned 15, he made me lay down and tried to force himself in me, but I panicked and left. There was no full penetration, but he had previously done every other sexual act. It's been almost four years, and I'm long out but it still haunts me. I feel like I could have done more. I didn't push my ''no" enough. Was it rape?

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