Anyone else hate fuckboys?!

I am 20 and had a 'thing' to a mutual friend of a friend who is 36. He is divorced twice, 3 kids. 17, 13, and 3. With two baby mamas. It didn't bother her even though she knew his son really well. 
i started hanging out with him and the first day we hung out i slept with him, and then hit it off really well. Picking me up from work, going for drives, hanging out daily, texting all day, and then he got WEIRD.
Like, we would have Sex and he would be amazing at eating me out I came every time! But his penis was way smaller than I'm used to lol. But it turned into that's all he wanted to do. So I kind of pushed off a little and wanted to go do more things. I would hang out when his 3 year old was there and we would watch movies and hang out. 
One night, we were watching a movie and I fell asleep on the couch (usually he wants me to go upstairs and stay the night. But since I kind of pushed off the excessive sex- he changed) he woke me up and was like I'm going to bed and walked me to the door and bye I went.. which isn't normal.
So the next day he wanted me to say hi before work, and I didn't. Because I work at 630am. No one has time extra in the morning! Lol he got PISSED, freaked out on me for not coming by.
So to make up for it, I said let's have a fun weekend and watch movies get dinner whatever. We did all of that, and when we went to bed I was going to sleep, he got so angry and asked if I wanted to go downstairs. We got up and he asked me to leave. I'm like wtf!?? At like 2am.. so then he texts me after I go home and he's like, "I don't feel loved unless I have sex, I have to cum." WHAT IS THAT SHIT?! Bye fuckboy..