He doesn't want Marriage...Ever..

I've been with my partner now for 5+ years.  In the first year of our relationship, we planned on flying to Vegas and eloping.  Before plans were set in stone, he balked and said that he wanted his mother to be there so he changed his mind about it happening then.  Ok.  Fine.  His mother was shocked when she found out his reasoning and has apologized every now and then saying she didn't mind at all and would have loved if we had just gone and done it.
He's known I've always wanted to get married, and it seemed he was on the same page for a while, and then a year or so after our son was born, I get the truth that he's not too keen on the idea since both his parents were highly unsuccessful (each bring married and divorced 2-3 times).  I've thought that maybe as time has gone on, he would warm up to it and have a change of heart.
I'm four months pregnant with our second child, and the other day after checking out a new home to rent, during a conversation that turned to marriage and making a snide comment, I said, "I don't get why you're so against marriage", he replied that good relationships get ruined when you make it "official by law".  This coming from a man who gets so excited when friends get married and tells me all the time when someone he knows just got married.  I want to punch him in the damn face and call him a lying hypocrite.  Don't act like you're so stoked when you think it's crap and won't do it yourself!  I'm so angry and disappointed that I have to accept that this big dream for myself is gone 😭. I love him and am not going anywhere, but I can't help but have a part of me resentful that I've given him what he wanted most (being a father) and I'll never be his wife.  He said I can always just change my last name to his without getting married, but it's not the same thing at all!!! Ugh. Just needed to vent...