Should I test?

Sierra • Married 💍 Nurse in Training 💊💉 Pit bull mom 🐶
Hello everyone, I am 20 years old and my hubby and I are TTC. I need some advice on wether or not I should take a pregnancy test. I have PCOS so my periods are always irregular so I wouldn't know if I had a skipped period or not. Anyways, I'm having a few symptoms that aren't lining up with normal my PMS symptoms. My breasts, mainly my nipples, hurt so bad. I mean even if I accidently touch them, I started having a lower backache pretty recently and at first I figured that it was because I'm on my feet 12 hours a day, but now I'm not so sure because I've been working 12 hour shifts for 3+ years. My appetite has become more insatiable. I used to never eat breakfast, but now if I don't eat something in the morning I get somewhat nauseous. My anger and attitude has been out of control lately (my poor hubby), I get mad over the smallest things, and certain people just set me off. I don't want to get my hopes up but I would really like for some advice from women who have gotten pregnant or women who are going through the same thing.. Thanks so much!