Working Mommas, I respect the hell outta you

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

I have a newfound respect for all of you mothers who go to work, leaving your little ones at daycare, home with family, or at a babysitter.

I work, but my son has always came with me. Since he was 3 weeks old when I returned to work, I've had him right there beside me. He will be 1 in less than a month now.

This last week, he stayed home with his daddy while I worked. It's very unusual that his dad is off work to be able to keep him while I work.

But when I got off work and got home, I just stared at my baby and realized I really, really freaking missed him. And just over the course of my work week, his features had changed slightly and he had started taking more steps on his own.

And I realized just how hard it must be to leave your babies and go to work every single day. I would not be able to do it. So all you mothers who do go to work and have no choice but to leave your little ones with other people, I respect all of you so much. It would be too hard for me.