How many embryos should I transfer?

Regan • Mom to Hudson James (3/27/18), Briggs Michael (10/17/19) and Henley Rae (2/23/23) and two angels (4/2017 & 1/2022) 💕
Please help me out ladies! Here is my summarized back story:
1st fresh <a href="">IVF</a> transfer - March 19th with 1 embryo
It was successful!
Miscarriage at 7 weeks due to a hematoma 
1st frozen Transfer - June 12th with 1 embryo
Failed :( 
I have 2 embryos left and my 2nd FET will be mid July! I'm debating transferring 1 or 2. 
I'm scared it will fail with 1 again and I'll regret not doing 2. Plus it's 2 for 1 and we might save a little money. 
I'm also nervous with having only 2 left I'll waste them both in one blow then regret not doing 1 at a time.
The other part of me thinks twins would be hard but that getting twins would be better then getting a negative test again. If that makes sense. 
What would you do? 

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