PCOS and Prenatal vitamins

Has anyone noticed their periods regulate when they take prenatals? I have noticed that I am irregular very often when I don't take prenatal vitamins. I had stopped taking them for a while because I was on another vitamin plan with some really premium grade vitamins but my periods were becoming irregular again. The past three weeks I started taking them again and today I started my period exactly on the day i should have! I was so excited to know i was ovulating when glow said i should be! I have a fear that when I try to naturally become pregnant it will be very difficult for me. At this time we are not trying but we are headed in that direction and I would like for it to just happen one day. Other than taking my prenatal vitamins do you have any suggestions that would help prepare my body for naturally conceiving while having PCOS? we are not using protection and he has not pulled out the last several tome we haved sex. This is something new haha 🙏🏼🙏🏼 (forgive the pulled out comment haha) 🤷🏼‍♀️