possible blighted ovum ? time to give up?


Is it time to give up or do I wait?

I had a miscarriage(chemical pregnancy) in Jan 2017

1st day of last period: between 4/27/17 and 4/29/17

Predicted Ovulation Date: 5/10/17

Did the Deed: May 4,5,6,7,9,11

Positive home pregnancy test 5/21/17

1st HCG 5/22/17 =74.9

2nd HCG 5/31/17=3,127

I spotted during intercourse light pink and very light on 6/3/17

3rd HCG 6/5/17 =5,518

1st Ultrasound (because I was scared) on 6/8/17-looked like fuzz to me I did not see the fetal pole but the Dr said she did and she said she seen a heart beat I trusted she knew more than me at this point. She said the fetal pole only measured at 5 weeks and 5 days.

Follow up Ultrasound done 6/23/17 No baby just empty gestational sac she then rushed me to the ultrasound tech to use the newer/advanced ultrasound machine and she seen no baby either just the empty gestational sac. Ultrasound tech stated gestational sac measured 7 weeks.

I also have had very few pregnancy symptoms.  Which I was hoping was just luck.  

My ob refuses to prescribe progesterone supplements at this point or even in any future pregnancies.

At some point in my past I remember being told I had a tilted uterus but not by this specific provider.

My Dr. recommended I take the weekend to decide if I want to wait out a natural miscarriage, have a D & C or take medication to induce the miscarriage.

I asked for 1 more HCG (not sure why) and on 6/27/17 last HCG states 24,038.

Is it time for me to let go and accept the blighted ovum or could their still be a chance?