what should I do?

Hey guys👋🏼
So I have a short story to tell you guys and I need help.... 
So my boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and 6 months... I honestly love him with all my heart, but I've been feeling like its bs that we havent seen each other for almost 2 MONTHS😭
He is 19 and his parents are being ass holes bcuz i cant see him n his parents basically grounded him... So he isnt allowed to go out with friends nor his own damn gf... 
So yes im highly pissed off and i have no one to talk to about this but my beautiful glow community... 
So yeah its been killing me inside not being able to see him but honestly what else can i do?
I dont want to think about leaving him but honestly what else can i do?! Im over here balling my eyes out for someone thatisnt even trying to come see me! Im tired of this its bs and its just UGHHHH😡😭😭😭