She is here!


Landyn Paige made her grand entrance June 27th at 4:30pm at a healthy 8lbs 11oz.

It started on June 25th, i had loads of wet undies so they sent us to l and d for tests. Turns out it wasn't my water so they sent us home.

Later that night around midnight i get up to take one of my many night pees and low and behold there is my ginormous bloody show. An hr later, contractions started. Pretty ok, about 10 min apart and i was able to sleep another hr. Around 2 i was huffing and puffing so hard my fiance woke up. By then they were 4 and 5 min apart. 15 min later, 3 min apart so we calles the after hrs number. He said wait another 45 min and if things progress then come in. Well we didn't make it 45 min before they were 1 or 2 min apart. He packed up the car while i eased my way into come clothes and shoes, it was now 3am. I couldn't go from one room into the other during a break in contractions, they were that close. The hospital is 10 min away.

330am we get to triage, 4cm! Admitted, yay! By now the contractions are so strong that not only can't i walk or talk through them but barely breathe. They needed the IV in befode epidural, but they couldn't find a vein that wouldnt roll around. 4 tries, 5th time is a charm, they ended up putting it in my hand. Worst place ever.

Sweet relief, they gave us 2 hrs of sleep, before they checked me again. 7cm... making some fast progress. By then it was around 930 am. Dr came back around noon and i was at a 10. We will push at 1pm, ill be back is what she told me. 115pm and its go time! I pushed for 3 hrs and out she came. It all went by so fast but im so glad its over and shes here. All in all start to finish about 13 hrs for a ftm, thats great!