just in need of some helpful advice and chitchat.

So! My very first post, heeeey! 
Anyway, I just wanted to post and see if anyone has felt the way I have and/or can shoot me some advice before seeing my doctor in a couple days. 
I'm a week away from my period being due and the past 2 weeks I've been feeling so nauseous. Eating food and the smell of some foods (mostly meat) makes me almost gag. 
I feel a bit different in my stomach then I ever have before. I'm never bloated throughout my cycle until the day my period arrives. I feel full and slightly crampy. I never get any "period symptoms" until my period actually arrives so this is a bit off for my body. 
Just wanted to know if anyone had felt anything within their body, pregnancy wise, before they noticed their period was late? 
I'll be taking a home test tomorrow but I'm unsure whether it will work. 
Thanks x