tell me what you would do!

Ok so me and my fiancée have been together a year and half he says he knew early in the relationship I was the one took me a little longer anyways we got engaged in November and then in December I moved in with him well the plan was to be married shortly after because well I don't just believe in living with someone and either does my family well every time I bring up getting married and a month he always says no not then so I ask do you even wanna get married?? He says if I didn't I wouldn't have got you a ring and moved you in.... then turns into an argument... yet we have been trying to get pregnant! But he doesn't wanna pick a month to get married. so I guess my question is really what should I do?? I don't want my children to think it's ok to live with a man and not be married and I just don't know what to think anymore! What would you do???