implant bleeding?

I think the last 2 days that I've have implant bleeding ( brown ish colour comes and goes very light ) I was planning on getting a pregnancy test Friday cause I get payed then, but today it was a little heavier then before still coming and going still save color just more came out so I put in a light tampon after 3 hours I went to take it out not very full but I had really bad cramping those 3 hours worse then before and when I took it out there was brown discharged same as before and a red ish almost black block with a same in color longish sticky string ish thing at the top and bottom of the tampon.. is this my period coming or implant bleeding and I should test asap???? 
Sorry about the long post! Someone please give me an answer posted about this a few days ago( about the brown discharge ) and lots of people saw it but no answers 
Update: haven't tested yet at work but getting killer cramps and lots of blood red then nothing