my confidence level is at an all time high

Growing up I was never confident in myself, in fact I thought I was ugly, when high school came around I met my friend joe who In his own rude and ugly way taught me to be confident in myself and that confidence is all you need to be attractive. I began to see myself different after that. I know I'm not a size 2 But I've lost a considerable amount of weight since high school ended. I went from a size 20 to a size 14 and even tho I'm gaining weight all over again I'm still happy with myself. Some days now I feel ugly and then I look at myself and think "damn, you are gorgeous" and it may sound conceited but it's how I keep my confidence up. I recently went through some traumatic stuff and I really need to keep my self worth and how I see myself up. But I just thought I share some selfies I took that make me happy with myself 😊