fighting in relationships

I need some people's opinions about relationships. What do you think of fighting, is it terrible and shouldn't be done at all or is it okay as long as you and your significant other work through and talk to each other about it? When do you think it is out of hand and should just end it? Or do you always fight to try and save the relationship. I have been dating my boyfriend for over two years and every time we fight he says this isn't a good relationship and I have to convince him that fighting is not the end of the world it can always be fixed and we always work out every fight in a calm civil manner but he still doesn't see it as healthy. He thinks healthy couples don't fight at all and I think that's BS because everyone probably gets annoyed at or whatever with their significant other at some point or another. So am I wrong to think that fighting isn't always terrible? That you can still fight and still love each other. Please let me know what you think.