I have a problem masturbating (big tmi warning)

Katie • ♡

I normally I masturbate 2 or 3 times a month but I found out its helping me sleep better so I want to do it every night or so if I can. My problem is I think I might be doing it to rough. I only like clitoral stimulation and I'd rather use my hand instead of a vibrator. When I'm really feeling myself about to orgasm I usually press and rub on my clitorous fairly hard. I love it during the moment but the next day its extremely sore. The soreness lasts for a couple days.

Does anyone else experience this? If so what helps with the soreness? I've looked up different ways to try it but I always end up doing it so rough. I'm sorry if this all sounds strange and tmi but I really dont know what else to do about it. Its literally so sore today that walking is irritating it.