Ambien 💊😴

Ok, so here's the deal. I need my sleep, if I don't get a good nights rest I find that I can become an irritable mess the next day. 
Lack of sleep issues began only occurring during the week before, or time of my period. As I get older (I'm 37 🙈) I'm finding that my quality of sleep isn't as good as it used to be. I wake up 2-3am and become a restless mess until sleep hits me at 4am, more often now than just period time. I wake up and I'm just uncomfortable and toss and turn frustrated at life, I'm embarrassed to admit. 
My doctor prescribed me Ambien and it's been sitting in my cabinet for the past 6 months. I'm scared to take it. I would take benedryl sometimes but I stopped because it just didn't feel right taking it for sleep. Am I overthinking this too much? Can you share with me your experiences with Ambien? 
I just want to go to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed like I used to.Â