Lifting His Spirits?

Ali • Melanin Woman & Wife ✨
I just want a little advice. Things are going okay with me and my SO. But you know sometimes you can tell when you're SO has something bothering them but aren't really telling you about it? It's similar to them dropping hints because they don't want you to know they are upset about something. I know it isn't a relationship thing it's a personal thing. (A personal growth challenge) how I see it. Okay so bottom line my question is that I'm trying to ask you helpful people, How can you be supportive without really knowing the problem? How can I tell him to be strong if I really don't know how to because it's just something we have to go through? He's a strong man but I want him to know that he's capable of doing anything he set his mind too. It's frustrating too me because I don't know how to tell him that. I just wanna be there for him but not be on his back too much. Just enough that he knows I care.