Why can't I just be friends with guys?

zöie 🐾 • local mean girl. native american. cna. premed.
This is going to sound really conceited and like I'm bragging but I'm 10000% not. I'm truly and legitimately dumbfounded and annoyed.
Anyways, on to the point. Literally every male friend of mine that I would get close to beyond like work or school, like start texting or hanging out with outside of work/school, always ends up falling in love with me. Every. Single. One. And then it ends up ruining our friendship, this has happened about four times in a row now, in the past threeish years. And it just happened again tonight, I got a love confession from yet another guy I just really wanted to be platonic friends with. I'm not a relationship or romantic person, to me, platonic relationships/friendships are all that I want, all that I need and all that I'm interested in. Always have been, always will be. I've only dated two guys (my freshman and sophomore year of high school) and had an unofficial fling with about 3 different guys and every single one of them have contacted me a year or so after breaking up to confess that I was "the one that got away" and that they still think about me and love me. I legitimately don't understand it, I'm not an emotional or nice person at all, I'm actually very apathetic, borderline sociopathic tbh, and prettt rude/mean and immature even. I just want to be friends with these people and I'm sick of things getting ruined and sick of people becoming obsessed with me for years. 
Has this ever been a problem for anyone else? Is it something I'm doing? I'm not a flirty person at all, I actually struggle really hard when it comes to flirting, so it can't be that. I don't know what to do but I'm tired of my relationships with people getting ruined over this. I just want to be friends with people.